coulomb development


coulomb uses the sbt-typelevel project as its SBT build framework. The following sections explain common sbt development commands that work with this framework.

repository organization

Each coulomb package has a corresponding directory in the repository. For example, the code for coulomb-core resides in directory core, the code for coulomb-units resides in units, etc.

Site documentation resides in docs

build targets

The coulomb project cross-builds for JVM, ScalaJS and Scala Native. You can run standard SBT commands against one or all of these.

# run unit tests for all sub-projects and all compiler cross-builds
sbt test

# unit tests for JVM
sbt rootJVM/test

# unit tests for ScalaJS
sbt rootJS/test

# unit tests for ScalaNative
sbt rootNative/test

# unit tests for coulomb-core, JVM
sbt coreJVM/test

REPL environment

You can start up a Scala REPL that has all coulomb libraries provisioned, using the command sbt all/console

$ sbt all/console
[info] welcome to sbt 1.7.2 (Red Hat, Inc. Java
Welcome to Scala 3.2.0 (, Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.

scala> import coulomb.*
     | import coulomb.syntax.*
     | import algebra.instances.all.given
     | import coulomb.ops.algebra.spire.all.given
     | import coulomb.policy.spire.standard.given
     | import*
     | import

scala> val x = 1d.withUnit[Meter]
val x: coulomb.Quantity[Double,] = 1.0


code formatting

coulomb uses scalafmt for formatting code, and also checking its format during CI. It is a good idea to run scalafmt before you check in new code to ensure it passes CI format checks:

# run scalafmt on scala files:
sbt scalafmtAll

# run scalafmt on build.sbt
sbt scalafmtSbt

# run format checks
sbt scalafmtCheckAll

# check format of build.sbt
sbt scalafmtSbtCheck

scaladoc and unidoc

All scaladoc is built and published to via CI, however you can build and view them locally:

# generate scaladocs
sbt unidocs/doc

# serve docs via http locally:
python3 -m http.server -d unidocs/target/scala-3.1.2/unidoc/

You can also view directly at: file:///your/path/to/coulomb/unidocs/target/scala-3.1.2/unidoc/index.html

coulomb site documentation

The coulomb site documentation resides in the docs subproject, and uses the sbt-typelevel-site framework, which is based on mdoc and laika

If you make edits or contributions to the site documentation, you can preview with this command:

sbt docs/tlSitePreview

# then view at http://localhost:4242


If you make changes to build.sbt remember to run the following:

sbt githubWorkflowGenerate

Make sure to check in any resulting changes to github workflow yaml.

MiMa and binary compatibility

The coulomb CI workflows check all new commits for binary compatibility with the current release using MiMa. If you are proposing a change that breaks binary compatibility with the latest release, the CI tests will fail.

There are two options to deal with this: