
The coulomb-units package defines several groups of commonly used units.

import package description Standard International base units Standard International prefix units
coulomb.units.mks Meter/Kilogram/Second (MKS) units
coulomb.units.mksa Meter/Kilogram/Second/Ampere (MKSA) units
coulomb.units.accepted Accepted metric units (Liter, Gram, Millibar, etc) Traditional non-metric units (United States definitions) Information units (Bit, Byte, Nat) Binary prefixes (Kibi, Mebi, Tebi, etc)
coulomb.units.time Time units (Second, Minute, Hour, etc)
coulomb.units.temperature Temperature units (Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit)
coulomb.units.constants Physical constants (Planck, Boltzmann, molar gas constant, etc)
coulomb.units.javatime Conversions between coulomb and java.time values

Quick Start


API documentation for coulomb-units can be viewed here.


Include coulomb-units with your Scala project:

libraryDependencies += "com.manyangled" %% "coulomb-core" % "0.8.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.manyangled" %% "coulomb-units" % "0.8.0"


In order to use a unit definition, both the unit type and its corresponding context variable (aka "given") must be in scope. In Scala 3 one does this with the following idiom:

// import both types and context variables ("givens")
import coulomb.units.mksa.{*, given}
import{*, given}
import coulomb.units.accepted.{*, given}


// Working with units of power
val watts = 1d.withUnit[Watt]
// watts: Quantity[Double, Watt] = 1.0

// watts are equivalent to volt-amps
watts.toUnit[Volt * Ampere]
// res0: Quantity[Double, *[Volt, Ampere]] = 1.0

// convert watts to horsepower
// res1: Quantity[Double, Horsepower] = 0.0013410220895950279
// Working with units of volume
val volume = 1d.withUnit[Meter ^ 3]
// volume: Quantity[Double, ^[Meter, 3]] = 1.0

// common metric unit of volume
// res2: Quantity[Double, Liter] = 1000.0

// United States Gallons
// res3: Quantity[Double, Gallon] = 264.1720523581484

// Traditional hydrological units
volume.toUnit[Acre * Foot]
// res4: Quantity[Double, *[Acre, Foot]] = 8.107131937899125E-4

physical constants

The full catalog of physical constants defined in coulomb-units is listed here.

Physical constants are closely related to units, in that any physical constant can also be thought of (and used) as a unit in and of itself.

For example, the speed of light (in a vacuum) is a physical constant whose value is close to 300 million meters per second, but we also use this constant as a unit, for example physicists may say that an object traveling at 30 million m/s has a velocity of "0.1c"

The coulomb-units package provides a selection of physical constants, and allows the user to work with these as either units or constant values:

import coulomb.units.constants.{*, given}

// the "constant" function gives a physical constant as a Quantity object with a particular value type
val c = constant[Double, SpeedOfLight]
// c: Quantity[Double, /[Meter, Second]] = 2.99792458E8

// use the speed of light as a unit to express a velocity as a fraction of light speed
val v = 30e6.withUnit[Meter / Second]
// v: Quantity[Double, /[Meter, Second]] = 3.0E7
// res5: Quantity[Double, SpeedOfLight] = 0.10006922855944561

java.time conversions

You can browse the full list of available java.time conversions here

In coulomb-units, standard Quantity of time units such as Second, Minute or Hour corresponds to Duration in java.time. Similarly, absolute time instants represented by EpochTime correspond to Instant in java.time.

The coulomb-units package implements both explicit and implicit conversions between coulomb and java.time values, some of which are shown here:

import java.time.{ Duration, Instant }
import coulomb.units.time.{*, given}

// explicit conversion methods
import coulomb.units.javatime.*
// implicit and explicit conversions
import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.all.given

val dur = Duration.ofSeconds(70, 400000000)
// dur: Duration = PT1M10.4S

// explicit conversion from java.time duration to a coulomb quantity
dur.toQuantity[Double, Minute]
// res6: Quantity[Double, Minute] = 1.1733333333333333

// corresponding implicit conversion
val dq: Quantity[Double, Minute] = dur
// dq: Quantity[Double, Minute] = 1.1733333333333333

// convert back to java.time
// res7: Duration = PT1M10.399999999S

// the day of the first human moon landing
val ins = Instant.parse("1969-07-20T00:00:00Z")
// ins: Instant = 1969-07-20T00:00:00Z

// days relative to standard Unix epoch
ins.toEpochTime[Double, Day]
// res8: DeltaQuantity[Double, Day, Second] = -165.0

// corresponding implicit conversion
val et: EpochTime[Double, Day] = ins
// et: DeltaQuantity[Double, Day, Second] = -165.0

// convert back to java.time
// res9: Instant = 1969-07-20T00:00:00Z