
The coulomb-spire package defines unit conversion, value conversion, and value resolution policies for spire numeric types (and standard Scala numeric types).

The following numeric types are supported:

Value Type Defined In
Int Scala
Long Scala
Float Scala
Double Scala
BigInt Scala
BigDecimal Scala
Rational Spire
Algebraic Spire
Real Spire

You may notice that BigInt and BigDecimal are not supported in coulomb-core, even though they are Scala native types. This is because Scala's native numeric typeclasses do not uniformly treat the core types Int, Long, Float, Double the same as BigInt and BigDecimal, while spire's typeclasses do. For this reason, it is much easier to support BigInt and BigDecimal as part of the coulomb-spire package.

Quick Start


You can browse the coulomb-spire policies here.


Include coulomb-spire with your Scala project:

libraryDependencies += "com.manyangled" %% "coulomb-core" % "0.8.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.manyangled" %% "coulomb-spire" % "0.8.0"

To use coulomb unit definitions:

libraryDependencies += "com.manyangled" %% "coulomb-units" % "0.8.0"


To import the standard (non-strict) spire policy:

import spire.math.*

// fundamental coulomb types and methods
import coulomb.*
import coulomb.syntax.*

// algebraic definitions
import algebra.instances.all.given
import coulomb.ops.algebra.spire.all.{*, given}

// standard policy for spire and scala types
import coulomb.policy.spire.standard.given
import scala.language.implicitConversions

Never import more than one policy at a time. For example, if you import coulomb.policy.spire.standard.given, do not also import coulomb.policy.standard.given.


import{*, given}
import{*, given}

// coulomb-spire policies allow the use of spire and Scala types
val rq = Rational(3, 2).withUnit[Meter]
// rq: Quantity[Rational, Meter] = 3/2
val bq = BigDecimal(1).withUnit[Yard]
// bq: Quantity[BigDecimal, Yard] = 1
val iq = 1.withUnit[Meter]
// iq: Quantity[Int, Meter] = 1

// The standard policy supports implicit conversions of unit and value types
rq + bq + iq
// res0: Quantity[Rational, Meter] = 2134/625


As with coulomb-core, the coulomb-spire package provides two predefined policy options:

The value resolution and promotion rules for coulomb-spire are extended to include BigDecimal, BigInt, Rational, Algebraic and Real. The resulting lattice of promotions looks like this:

Promote From To
Int Long
Long BigInt
BigInt Float
Long Float
Float Double
Double BigDecimal
BigDecimal Rational
Rational Algebraic
Algebraic Real

Remember that the promotions above are transitive, and so Int promotes to Real, etc.

The definition of promotions for coulomb-spire can be browsed here