boost::locale::period Namespace Reference

Namespace that contains various types for manipulation with dates. More...


namespace  marks

This namespace holds a enum of various period types like era, year, month, etc..


class  period_type
 This class holds a type that represents certain period of time like year, hour, second and so on. More...


period_type invalid ()
period_type era ()
period_type year ()
period_type extended_year ()
period_type month ()
period_type day ()
period_type day_of_year ()
period_type day_of_week ()
period_type day_of_week_in_month ()
period_type day_of_week_local ()
period_type hour ()
period_type hour_12 ()
period_type am_pm ()
period_type minute ()
period_type second ()
period_type week_of_year ()
period_type week_of_month ()
period_type first_day_of_week ()
date_time_period era (int v)
date_time_period year (int v)
date_time_period extended_year (int v)
date_time_period month (int v)
date_time_period day (int v)
date_time_period day_of_year (int v)
date_time_period day_of_week (int v)
date_time_period day_of_week_in_month (int v)
date_time_period day_of_week_local (int v)
date_time_period hour (int v)
date_time_period hour_12 (int v)
date_time_period am_pm (int v)
date_time_period minute (int v)
date_time_period second (int v)
date_time_period week_of_year (int v)
date_time_period week_of_month (int v)
date_time_period first_day_of_week (int v)
date_time_period january ()
date_time_period february ()
date_time_period march ()
date_time_period april ()
date_time_period may ()
date_time_period june ()
date_time_period july ()
date_time_period august ()
date_time_period september ()
date_time_period october ()
date_time_period november ()
date_time_period december ()
date_time_period sunday ()
date_time_period monday ()
date_time_period tuesday ()
date_time_period wednesday ()
date_time_period thursday ()
date_time_period friday ()
date_time_period saturday ()
date_time_period am ()
date_time_period pm ()
date_time_period operator+ (period::period_type f)
date_time_period operator- (period::period_type f)
template<typename T >
date_time_period operator* (period::period_type f, T v)
template<typename T >
date_time_period operator* (T v, period::period_type f)
template<typename T >
date_time_period operator* (T v, date_time_period f)
template<typename T >
date_time_period operator* (date_time_period f, T v)
int era (date_time const &dt)
int year (date_time const &dt)
int extended_year (date_time const &dt)
int month (date_time const &dt)
int day (date_time const &dt)
int day_of_year (date_time const &dt)
int day_of_week (date_time const &dt)
int day_of_week_in_month (date_time const &dt)
int day_of_week_local (date_time const &dt)
int hour (date_time const &dt)
int hour_12 (date_time const &dt)
int am_pm (date_time const &dt)
int minute (date_time const &dt)
int second (date_time const &dt)
int week_of_year (date_time const &dt)
int week_of_month (date_time const &dt)
int first_day_of_week (date_time const &dt)
int era (date_time_duration const &dt)
int year (date_time_duration const &dt)
int extended_year (date_time_duration const &dt)
int month (date_time_duration const &dt)
int day (date_time_duration const &dt)
int day_of_year (date_time_duration const &dt)
int day_of_week (date_time_duration const &dt)
int day_of_week_in_month (date_time_duration const &dt)
int day_of_week_local (date_time_duration const &dt)
int hour (date_time_duration const &dt)
int hour_12 (date_time_duration const &dt)
int am_pm (date_time_duration const &dt)
int minute (date_time_duration const &dt)
int second (date_time_duration const &dt)
int week_of_year (date_time_duration const &dt)
int week_of_month (date_time_duration const &dt)
int first_day_of_week (date_time_duration const &dt)

Detailed Description

Namespace that contains various types for manipulation with dates.

Function Documentation

Get predefined constant for AM (Ante Meridiem)

Get period_type for: am or pm marker [0..1]

Get date_time_period for: am or pm marker [0..1]

int boost::locale::period::am_pm ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of am or pm marker [0..1]

int boost::locale::period::am_pm ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in am or pm markers

Get predefined constant for April

Get predefined constant for August

Get period_type for: The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31]


Get date_time_period for: The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31]

int boost::locale::period::day ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31]

int boost::locale::period::day ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in days of month

Get period_type for: Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.

Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example, If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.


Get date_time_period for: Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.

Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example, If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.

int boost::locale::period::day_of_week ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.

Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example, If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.

int boost::locale::period::day_of_week ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in days of week

Get period_type for: Original number of the day of the week in month. For example 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday, etc. in Gregorian [1..5]

Get date_time_period for: Original number of the day of the week in month. For example 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday, etc. in Gregorian [1..5]

int boost::locale::period::day_of_week_in_month ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of Original number of the day of the week in month. For example 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday, etc. in Gregorian [1..5]

int boost::locale::period::day_of_week_in_month ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in original number of the day of the week in month

Get period_type for: Local day of week, for example in France Monday is 1, in US Sunday is 1, [1..7]


Get date_time_period for: Local day of week, for example in France Monday is 1, in US Sunday is 1, [1..7]

int boost::locale::period::day_of_week_local ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of Local day of week, for example in France Monday is 1, in US Sunday is 1, [1..7]

int boost::locale::period::day_of_week_local ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in local day of week

Get period_type for: The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian [1..366]

Get date_time_period for: The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian [1..366]

int boost::locale::period::day_of_year ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian [1..366]

int boost::locale::period::day_of_year ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in days of year

Get predefined constant for December

Get period_type for: Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1]

Get date_time_period for: Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1]

int boost::locale::period::era ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1]

int boost::locale::period::era ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1]

Get period_type for: Extended year for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1.

Get date_time_period for: Extended year for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1.

int boost::locale::period::extended_year ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of Extended year for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1.

int boost::locale::period::extended_year ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in extended years (for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1).

Get predefined constant for February

Get period_type for: First day of week, constant, for example Sunday in US = 1, Monday in France = 2

Get date_time_period for: First day of week, constant, for example Sunday in US = 1, Monday in France = 2

int boost::locale::period::first_day_of_week ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of First day of week, constant, for example Sunday in US = 1, Monday in France = 2

int boost::locale::period::first_day_of_week ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in the first day of week

Get predefined constant for Friday

Get period_type for: 24 clock hour [0..23]

Get date_time_period for: 24 clock hour [0..23]

int boost::locale::period::hour ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of 24 clock hour [0..23]

int boost::locale::period::hour ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in hours

Get period_type for: 12 clock hour [0..11]

Get date_time_period for: 12 clock hour [0..11]

int boost::locale::period::hour_12 ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of 12 clock hour [0..11]

int boost::locale::period::hour_12 ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in 12 clock hours

Get period_type for: special invalid value, should not be used directly

Get predefined constant for January

Get predefined constant for July

Get predefined constant for June

Get predefined constant for March

Get predefined constant for May

Get period_type for: minute [0..59]

Get date_time_period for: minute [0..59]

int boost::locale::period::minute ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of minute [0..59]

int boost::locale::period::minute ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in minutes

Get predefined constant for Monday

Get period_type for: The month of year, calendar specific, in Gregorian [0..11]


Get date_time_period for: The month of year, calendar specific, in Gregorian [0..11]

int boost::locale::period::month ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of The month of year, calendar specific, in Gregorian [0..11]

int boost::locale::period::month ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in months

Get predefined constant for November

Get predefined constant for October

template<typename T >
date_time_period boost::locale::period::operator* ( period::period_type  f,

Create date_time_period of type f with value v.

template<typename T >
date_time_period boost::locale::period::operator* ( v,
period::period_type  f 

Create date_time_period of type f with value v.

template<typename T >
date_time_period boost::locale::period::operator* ( v,
date_time_period  f 

Create date_time_period of type f with value v.

template<typename T >
date_time_period boost::locale::period::operator* ( date_time_period  f,

Create date_time_period of type f with value v.

date_time_period boost::locale::period::operator+ ( period::period_type  f) [inline]

convert period_type to date_time_period(f,1)

date_time_period boost::locale::period::operator- ( period::period_type  f) [inline]

convert period_type to date_time_period(f,-1)

Get predefined constant for PM (Post Meridiem)

Get predefined constant for Saturday

Get period_type for: second [0..59]

Get date_time_period for: second [0..59]

int boost::locale::period::second ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of second [0..59]

int boost::locale::period::second ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in seconds

Get predefined constant for September

Get predefined constant for Sunday

Get predefined constant for Thursday

Get predefined constant for Tuesday

Get predefined constant for Wednesday

Get period_type for: The week number within current month

Get date_time_period for: The week number within current month

int boost::locale::period::week_of_month ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of The week number within current month

int boost::locale::period::week_of_month ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in The week number within current month

Get period_type for: The week number in the year

Get date_time_period for: The week number in the year

int boost::locale::period::week_of_year ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of The week number in the year

int boost::locale::period::week_of_year ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in the week number in the year

Get period_type for: Year, it is calendar specific, for example 2011 in Gregorian calendar.


Get date_time_period for: Year, it is calendar specific, for example 2011 in Gregorian calendar.

int boost::locale::period::year ( date_time const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time numerical value of Year, it is calendar specific, for example 2011 in Gregorian calendar.

int boost::locale::period::year ( date_time_duration const &  dt) [inline]

Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in years