boost::locale::date_time_period Struct Reference

This class represents a pair of period_type and the integer values that describes its amount. For example 3 days or 4 years. More...

#include <boost/locale/date_time.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

date_time_period operator+ () const
date_time_period operator- () const
 date_time_period (period::period_type f=period::period_type(), int v=1)

Public Attributes

period::period_type type
 The type of period, i.e. era, year, day etc.
int value

Detailed Description

This class represents a pair of period_type and the integer values that describes its amount. For example 3 days or 4 years.

Usually obtained as product of period_type and integer or my calling a representative functions For example day()*3 == date_time_period(day(),3) == day(3)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Constructor that creates date_time_period from period_type f and a value v -- default 1.

Member Function Documentation

date_time_period boost::locale::date_time_period::operator+ ( ) const [inline]

Operator + returns copy of itself

date_time_period boost::locale::date_time_period::operator- ( ) const [inline]

Operator -, switches the sign of period

Member Data Documentation

The value the actual number of periods

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