boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_view_traits< MATRIX > Struct Template Reference

Traits class to extract type information from a constant MATRIX. More...

Inherits container_view_traits< MATRIX >.

Inherited by boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_traits< MATRIX >.

List of all members.

Public Types

 orientation of the matrix, either row_major_tag, column_major_tag or unknown_orientation_tag
typedef MATRIX::const_iterator1 const_iterator1
 row iterator for the matrix
typedef MATRIX::const_iterator2 const_iterator2
 column iterator for the matrix

Detailed Description

template<class MATRIX>
struct boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_view_traits< MATRIX >

Generated on Sun Jul 4 20:31:07 2010 for ublas by  doxygen 1.6.1