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In the example partys_height_average.cpp
compute yet another aggregation: The average height of guests. This is done
by defining a class counted_sum
that sums up heights and counts the number of guests via an operator +=
Based on the operator +=
we can aggregate counted sums on addition of interval value pairs into an
// The next line includes <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> // and a few lines of adapter code. #include <boost/icl/ptime.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <boost/icl/interval_map.hpp> #include <boost/icl/split_interval_map.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost::posix_time; using namespace boost::icl; class counted_sum { public: counted_sum():_sum(0),_count(0){} counted_sum(int sum):_sum(sum),_count(1){} int sum()const {return _sum;} int count()const{return _count;} double average()const{ return _count==0 ? 0.0 : _sum/static_cast<double>(_count); } counted_sum& operator += (const counted_sum& right) { _sum += right.sum(); _count += right.count(); return *this; } private: int _sum; int _count; }; bool operator == (const counted_sum& left, const counted_sum& right) { return left.sum()==right.sum() && left.count()==right.count(); } void partys_height_average() { interval_map<ptime, counted_sum> height_sums; height_sums += make_pair( discrete_interval<ptime>::right_open( time_from_string("2008-05-20 19:30"), time_from_string("2008-05-20 23:00")), counted_sum(165)); // Mary is 1,65 m tall. height_sums += make_pair( discrete_interval<ptime>::right_open( time_from_string("2008-05-20 19:30"), time_from_string("2008-05-20 23:00")), counted_sum(180)); // Harry is 1,80 m tall. height_sums += make_pair( discrete_interval<ptime>::right_open( time_from_string("2008-05-20 20:10"), time_from_string("2008-05-21 00:00")), counted_sum(170)); // Diana is 1,70 m tall. height_sums += make_pair( discrete_interval<ptime>::right_open( time_from_string("2008-05-20 20:10"), time_from_string("2008-05-21 00:00")), counted_sum(165)); // Susan is 1,65 m tall. height_sums += make_pair( discrete_interval<ptime>::right_open( time_from_string("2008-05-20 22:15"), time_from_string("2008-05-21 00:30")), counted_sum(200)); // Peters height is 2,00 m interval_map<ptime, counted_sum>::iterator height_sum_ = height_sums.begin(); cout << "-------------- History of average guest height -------------------\n"; while(height_sum_ != height_sums.end()) { discrete_interval<ptime> when = height_sum_->first; double height_average = (*height_sum_++).second.average(); cout << setprecision(3) << "[" << first(when) << " - " << upper(when) << ")" << ": " << height_average <<" cm = " << height_average/30.48 << " ft" << endl; } } int main() { cout << ">>Interval Container Library: Sample partys_height_average.cpp <<\n"; cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; partys_height_average(); return 0; } // Program output: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>Interval Container Library: Sample partys_height_average.cpp << ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- History of average guest height ------------------- [2008-May-20 19:30:00 - 2008-May-20 20:10:00): 173 cm = 5.66 ft [2008-May-20 20:10:00 - 2008-May-20 22:15:00): 170 cm = 5.58 ft [2008-May-20 22:15:00 - 2008-May-20 23:00:00): 176 cm = 5.77 ft [2008-May-20 23:00:00 - 2008-May-21 00:00:00): 178 cm = 5.85 ft [2008-May-21 00:00:00 - 2008-May-21 00:30:00): 200 cm = 6.56 ft -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Required for class counted_sum
is a default constructor counted_sum()
and an operator
to test equality. To enable additive
aggregation on overlap also an operator
is needed.
Note that no operator -=
for a subtraction of counted_sum
values is defined. So you can only add to the interval_map<ptime, counted_sum>
but not subtract from it.
In many real world applications only addition is needed and user defined
classes will work fine, if they only implement operator
. Only if any of the operator
s -=
or -
is called on the interval_map,
the user defined class has to implement it's own operator
to provide the subtractive aggregation
on overlap.