Your Data Type is a Unit
In my various experiences with socializing the idea that our software should make more use of unit analysis, I’m often met with some skepticism. The most common form of “unit analysis skepticism” goes something like this:
“I can see how this might be useful for data involved with science or engineering, but the data most software applications use doesn’t really have units.”
It’s understandable why people think this way.
If we’re taught unit analysis at all, we’re almost always taught it in science class. We learn to associate unit analysis with measures like meters, kilograms, liters and moles. I’m as guilty as anyone in promoting this stereotype! The examples I use in my own unit analysis tutorials often look like something lifted from a physics-101 text:
val acceleration = (9.8).withUnit[Meter %/ (Second %^ 2)]
val ohms = (0.01).withUnit[(Kilogram %* (Meter %^ 2)) %/ ((Second %^ 3) %* (Ampere %^ 2))]
To the extent that software tooling does make use of units, it is almost exclusively units
like “megabytes” or “seconds” - that is, units of information and time.
If you work in sofware, you’ve likely seen values resembling "100Mi"
or "30s"
The way that most software represents even simple time or information units isn’t as safe as people think. I have a couple favorite stories that illustrate the kind of problems that happen when we rely on unaided humans to get units correct across multiple software components.
However, today’s post is about something different. I believe that we software developers are ignoring a whole universe of units that are all around us, like fish in water:
All our data types are units in disguise!
Before I continue with my story, a brief aside: The examples I’ll be using are written in Scala, using the coulomb package for unit aware data types, and pureconfig for statically typed i/o. I annotated the scala imports I used, and other demo specifics, in the appendix.
I’ll begin by defining a couple of collections, representing books and their authors. Classes like these are the sort of structured data type one might see returning from a doobie database query or Apache Spark dataset:
scala> import coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.{ Book, Author }
import coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.{Book, Author}
scala> val books = List(
| Book("Schild's Ladder", "Greg Egan"),
| Book("Starfish", "Peter Watts"),
| Book("The Integral Trees", "Larry Niven"),
| Book("Incandescance", "Greg Egan"),
| Book("The Freeze Frame Revolution", "Peter Watts"))
val books: List[Book] = List(Book(Schild's Ladder,Greg Egan), Book(Starfish,Peter Watts), Book(The Integral Trees,Larry Niven), Book(Incandescance,Greg Egan), Book(The Freeze Frame Revolution,Peter Watts))
scala> val authors = List(
| Author("Greg Egan"),
| Author("Peter Watts"),
| Author("Larry Niven"))
val authors: List[Author] = List(Author(Greg Egan), Author(Peter Watts), Author(Larry Niven))
Consider counting these objects.
The standard length
gives us an integer that represents the number of each object we have.
scala> (books.length, authors.length)
val res0: (Int, Int) = (5,3)
Imagine we have some function that takes these numbers as a parameter. It’s easy to call correctly, but on the other hand it’s equally easy to make a mistake and pass the parameters in the wrong order:
scala> def someFunction(nBooks: Int, nAuthors: Int) = s"$nAuthors authors wrote $nBooks books."
def someFunction(nBooks: Int, nAuthors: Int): String
scala> someFunction(authors.length, books.length) // mistake!
val res1: String = 5 authors wrote 3 books.
Pause to note that while there is obviously information about how to call this function correctly in the definition of its parameter names, the compiler is no help at all detecting this error. As developers we learn to be careful about this sort of thing, but anyone who has been in the business long enough has seen a bug like this make its way into production.
The problem extends into the realm of i/o. Writing these values as raw integers gives neither us nor the compiler a way to prevent either writing or reading values in the wrong order.
scala> val data = (books.length, authors.length).toConfig
val data: com.typesafe.config.ConfigValue = SimpleConfigList([5,3])
scala> val (nAuthors, nBooks) = data.toOrThrow[(Int, Int)] // switched!
val nAuthors: Int = 5
val nBooks: Int = 3
But what are we really counting, with length
In the case of the collection books
, we’re counting objects of type Book
In the case of authors
, we’re counting objects of type Author
In other words the Int
value returned by length
has an implied unit,
and that unit is the data type of the collection!
Imagine a world where length
returned not just an integer,
but an integer annotated with a unit that is the data type associated with the collection.
Here’s an example of what that might look like, using coulomb Quantity
to associate values
with units:
scala> implicit class UnitLengthSyntax[A](seq: Seq[A]) {
| def unitLength: Quantity[Int, A] = seq.length.withUnit[A]
| }
class UnitLengthSyntax
scala> books.unitLength
val res5: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book] = Quantity(5)
val res6: String = 5 Book
scala> authors.unitLength
val res7: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author] = Quantity(3)
val res8: String = 3 Author
When we do this, something interesting happens to our software APIs. Let’s re-write our earlier function to make use of units for improved type safety:
scala> def safeFunction(nBooks: Quantity[Int, Book], nAuthors: Quantity[Int, Author]) =
| s"${nAuthors.value} authors wrote ${nBooks.value} books."
def safeFunction(nBooks: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book], nAuthors: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author]): String
scala> safeFunction(books.unitLength, authors.unitLength)
val res3: String = 3 authors wrote 5 books.
scala> safeFunction(authors.unitLength, books.unitLength) // switched!
error: type mismatch;
found : coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author]
required: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book]
With the additional unit information attached to collection length, the compiler is now quite helpful catching our human error! As programmers, we’re suddenly a bit less dependent on unreliable humans to properly interpret our documentation or our API parameter names, and get the order right.
Unit information has similar implications for I/O. Let’s re-run our earlier pureconfig i/o example with unit awareness:
scala> val data = (books.unitLength, authors.unitLength).toConfig
val data: com.typesafe.config.ConfigValue = SimpleConfigList([{"unit":"Book","value":5},{"unit":"Author","value":3}])
Now, our data is written with unit information, where our unit is the data type we’re working with. Likewise, we can load data with unit awareness (note that we have to provide the loader with a parser that knows how to unpack unit expressions):
scala> implicit val qp = QuantityParser.withImports[Book :: Author :: HNil]("coulomb.policy.undeclaredBaseUnits._")
val qp: coulomb.parser.QuantityParser = coulomb.parser.QuantityParser@3c057034
scala> val (nBooks, nAuthors) =
| data.toOrThrow[(Quantity[Int, Book], Quantity[Int, Author])]
val nBooks: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book] = Quantity(5)
val nAuthors: coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author] = Quantity(3)
val res9: String = 5 Book
val res10: String = 3 Author
With unit awareness, our earlier error of trying to read data in the wrong order is no longer possible:
scala> val (nAuthors, nBooks) =
| data.toOrThrow[(Quantity[Int, Author], Quantity[Int, Book])]
pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException: Cannot convert configuration to a scala.Tuple2. Failures are:
at '0':
- Cannot convert '{
# hardcoded value
"unit" : "Book",
# hardcoded value
"value" : 5
' to coulomb.Quantity[Int,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author]: Failed to parse (5, Book) ==> coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author.
What I’ve just demonstrated isn’t revolutionary - the point of data types has always been to “make illegal states unrepresentable.” Using types as units is one more way of leveraging types to make new categories of error impossible. Even the traditional science-oriented unit analysis has always been essentially a type-checking operation. If my units aren’t what I was expecting, I’ve got a problem with my math!
Backing this basic idea with a true unit analysis offers many possibilities.
Suppose I’m interested in how many books, on average, the authors in my database have written.
I can get this ratio easily, and the resulting data type reflects the proper unit Book/Author
scala> val ratio =
| books.unitLength.toValue[Float] / authors.unitLength.toValue[Float]
val ratio: coulomb.Quantity[Float,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book %/ coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Author] = Quantity(1.6666666)
val res22: String = 1.6666666 Book/Author
If I wanted to estimate the number of books for 1000 authors, it looks like this:
scala> val estimate = 1000f.withUnit[Author] * ratio
val estimate: coulomb.Quantity[Float,coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book] = Quantity(1666.6666)
val res24: String = 1666.6666 Book
Suppose I am serving my book objects over a microservice. I might like to predict how many book queries I can serve per second over my network. The following stanza sets up this problem with unit type safety, and gives an answer in the units I choose (thousand books per second).
scala> val bandwidth = 100f.withUnit[Mega %* Byte %/ Second]
val bandwidth: coulomb.Quantity[Float,coulomb.siprefix.Mega %* Byte %/] = Quantity(100.0)
scala> val bookmem =
|{b => b.title.size +}.sum.
| toFloat.withUnit[Byte] / books.unitLength
val bookmem: coulomb.Quantity[Float,Byte %/ coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book] = Quantity(26.4)
scala> val bookrate = (bandwidth / bookmem).toUnit[Kilo %* Book %/ Second]
val bookrate: coulomb.Quantity[Float,coulomb.siprefix.Kilo %* coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest.Book %/] = Quantity(3787.8787)
scala> bookrate.showFull
val res34: String = 3787.8787 kiloBook/second
Unit checking helped me write this post. While doing the above example, I used the wrong ratio, but the compiler caught my error!
scala> val bookrate = (bookmem / bandwidth).toUnit[Kilo %* Book %/ Second]
error: could not find implicit value for parameter uc ...
In the example above, I had to attach units to several of my numbers “by hand”,
using the .toUnit
Imagine a world where our software APIs came with unit information out of the box.
An expression like book.title.size
could, by default, return a value like Quantity[Int, Byte]
instead of the less informative Int
Our platform APIs could return properties like network bandwidth limits in Quantity[Float, Mega %* Byte %/ Second]
Once you start thinking this way, you begin to see opportunities all around.
Perusing the standard struct stat
unix file attributes
immediately turns up multiple examples of implied units:
attribute | implied unit |
st_nlink | hard links |
st_size | bytes |
st_blocks | filesystem blocks |
st_blksize | bytes |
st_atime | seconds (from epoch) |
The widely-used
container orchestration platform is another source of examples.
Resources requests
are all specified using implied units such as “cpus” or “bytes”.
Kubernetes supports a concept of units for some of these values
(for example memory: “Mi”, “Gi” etc.)
but it has no tooling to support units as first class data types.
The Kubernetes API has a variety of opportunities for treating object types such as
, Container
, or Node
as first-class units, instead of just implied units.
This kind of
algorithmic unit analysis
on types is powerful (and fun),
but the bigger point I want to make is that vanilla data types like Book
and Author
fold into a unit analysis with no friction.
This gets at a deeper relation:
It is useful to treat units as data types, but the converse also holds:
all data types are latent units.
If we take full advantage of this idea,
we can increase the positive impact of unit types on software quality by an of magnitude.
- coulomb - Unit Analysis for Scala
- algorithmic unit analysis
- “Why Your Data Schema Should Include Units” at Berlin Buzzwords 2019
Appendix: Scala Demo Notes
I ran the examples in this blog using Scala 2.13.2, and coulomb 0.4.6.
I ran the REPL using the following command,
in order to pick up the definitions of Book
and Author
(Defining case classes in the REPL session itself causes
problems with resolving types inside QuantityParser
$ cd /path/to/coulomb
$ sbt coulomb_tests/test:console
The Scala REPL session in this blog used the following imports.
import spire.std.any._
import _root_.pureconfig._
import _root_.pureconfig.syntax._
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
import coulomb._
import coulomb.pureconfig._
import coulomb.parser.QuantityParser
import shapeless.{ ::, HNil}
import coulomb.refined._
import coulomb.pureconfig.refined._
import{Kilogram, Meter, Second}
import coulomb.policy.undeclaredBaseUnits._
import coulomb.pureconfig.CaseClassTest._