C++ Boost


// All defaults interface
template <typename GraphSmall,
          typename GraphLarge,
          typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback>
bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
                      const GraphLarge& graph_large, 
                      SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback)

// Named parameter version
template <typename GraphSmall,
          typename GraphLarge,
          typename VertexOrderSmall,
          typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback,
          typename Param,
          typename Tag,
          typename Rest>
bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
                      const GraphLarge& graph_large,
                      SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
                      const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
                      const bgl_named_params<Param, Tag, Rest>& params)

// Non-named parameter version
template <typename GraphSmall,
          typename GraphLarge,
          typename IndexMapSmall,
          typename IndexMapLarge,
          typename VertexOrderSmall,
          typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
          typename VertexEquivalencePredicate,
          typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback>
bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
                      const GraphLarge& graph_large,
                      SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
                      IndexMapSmall index_map_small,
                      IndexMapLarge index_map_large, 
                      const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
                      EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp,
                      VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)

An isomorphism between two graphs G1=(V1, E1) and G2=(V2, E2) is a bijective mapping M of the vertices of one graph to vertices of the other graph that preserves the edge structure of the graphs. M is said to be a graph-subgraph isomorphism if and only if M is an isomorphism between G1 and a subgraph of G2. An induced subgraph of a graph G = (V, E) is a normal subgraph G' = (V', E') with the extra condition that all edges of G which have both endpoints in V' are in E'.

This function finds all induced subgraph isomorphisms between graphs graph_small and graph_large and outputs them to user_callback. It continues until user_callback returns false or the search space has been fully explored. vf2_subgraph_iso returns true if a graph-subgraph isomorphism exists and false otherwise. EdgeEquivalencePredicate and VertexEquivalencePredicate predicates are used to test whether edges and vertices are equivalent. To use property maps for equivalence, see make_property_map_equivalent function. By default always_equivalent is used, which returns true for any pair of vertices or edges.

The current implementation is based on the VF2 algorithm, introduced by Cordella et al. An in-depth description of the algorithm is given in [1] and [2] and references therein. The original code by P. Foggia and collaborators can be found at [3]. In brief, the process of finding a mapping between the two graphs G1 and G2 determines the isomorphism mapping M, which associates vertices G1 with vertices of G2 and vice versa. It can be described by means of a state space representation which is created by the algorithm while exploring the search graph in depth-first fashion. Each state s of the matching process can be associated with a partial mapping M(s). At each level, the algorithm computes the set of the vertex pairs that are candidates to be added to the current state s. If a pair of vertices (v, w) is feasible, the mapping is extended and the associated successor state s' is computed. The whole procedure is then repeated for state s'.

Where Defined

All functions are defined in the boost namespace.


IN: const GraphSmall& graph_small

The (first) smaller graph (fewer vertices) of the pair to be tested for isomorphism. The type GraphSmall must be a model of Vertex List Graph, Edge List Graph, Bidirectional Graph and Adjacency Matrix. The edge descriptors graph_traits<GraphSmall>::edge_descriptor must be LessThan Comparable, cf. also the remark below.

IN: const GraphLarge& graph_large

The (second) larger graph to be tested. Type GraphLarge must be a model of Vertex List Graph, Edge List Graph, Bidirectional Graph and Adjacency Matrix. The edge descriptors graph_traits<GraphLarge>::edge_descriptor must be LessThan Comparable, cf. also the remark below.

OUT: SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback

A function object to be called when a graph-subgraph isomorphism has been discovered. The operator() must have following form:

template <typename CorrespondenceMap1To2,
          typename CorrespondenceMap2To1>
bool operator()(CorrespondenceMap1To2 f, CorrespondenceMap2To1 g) const

Both the CorrespondenceMap1To2 and CorresondenceMap2To1 types are models of Readable Property Map and map equivalent vertices across the two graphs given to vf2_subgraph_iso (or vf2_graph_iso or vf2_subgraph_mono). For instance, if v is from graph_small, w is from graph_large, and the vertices can be considered equivalent, then get(f, v) will be w and get(g, w) will be v. If any vertex, say v in graph_small, does not match a vertex in graph_large , then get(f, v) will be graph_traits<GraphLarge>::null_vertex(). Likewise for any unmatched vertices from graph_large, get(g, w) will be graph_traits<GraphSmall>::null_vertex(). Returning false from the callback will abort the search immediately. Otherwise, the entire search space will be explored. A "default" print callback is provided as a utility function.

IN: const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small

The ordered vertices of the smaller (first) graph graph_small. During the matching process the vertices are examined in the order given by vertex_order_small. Type VertexOrderSmall must be a model of ContainerConcept with value type graph_traits<GraphSmall>::vertex_descriptor.
Default The vertices are ordered by multiplicity of in/out degrees.

Named Parameters

IN: vertex_index1(IndexMapSmall index_map_small)

This maps each vertex to an integer in the range [0, num_vertices(graph_small)). Type IndexMapSmall must be a model of Readable Property Map.
Default: get(vertex_index, graph_small)

IN: vertex_index2(IndexMapLarge index_map_large)

This maps each vertex to an integer in the range [0, num_vertices(graph_large)). Type IndexMapLarge must be a model of Readable Property Map.
Default: get(vertex_index, graph_large)

IN: edges_equivalent(EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp)

This function object is used to determine if edges between the two graphs graph_small and graph_large are equivalent. Type EdgeEquivalencePredicate must be a model of Binary Predicate and have argument types of graph_traits<GraphSmall>::edge_descriptor and graph_traits<GraphLarge>::edge_descriptor. The edge descriptors must be LessThan Comparable. A return value of true indicates that the edges are equivalent.
Default: always_equivalent

IN: vertices_equivalent(VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)

This function object is used to determine if vertices between the two graphs graph_small and graph_large are equivalent. Type VertexEquivalencePredicate must be a model of Binary Predicate and have argument types of graph_traits<GraphSmall>::vertex_descriptor and graph_traits<GraphLarge>::vertex_descriptor. A return value of true indicates that the vertices are equivalent.
Default: always_equivalent

Related Functions

Non-named parameter, named-parameter and all default parameter versions of function



for isomorphism and (not necessarily induced) subgraph isomorphism testing, taking the same parameters as the corresponding functions vf2_subgraph_iso for induced subgraph isomorphism testing. For vf2_graph_iso the algorithm finds all isomorphism mappings between graphs graph1 and graph2 and outputs them to user_callback. For vf2_graph_mono the algorithm finds all mappings of graph_small to subgraphs of graph_large. Note that, as opposed to vf2_subgraph_iso, these subgraphs need not to be induced subgraphs.

Both algorithms continues until user_callback returns false or the search space has been fully explored. As before, EdgeEquivalencePredicate and VertexEquivalencePredicate predicates are used to test whether edges and vertices are equivalent. By default always_equivalent is used.

Utility Functions and Structs

template<typename Graph1, typename Graph2> struct vf2_print_callback

Callback function object that prints out the correspondences between vertices of Graph1 and Graph2. The constructor takes the two graphs G1 and G2.

template<typename Graph>
std::vector<typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>
  vertex_order_by_mult(const Graph& graph) 

Returns a vector containing the vertices of a graph, sorted by multiplicity of in/out degrees.

// Variant of verify_subgraph_iso with all default parameters
template<typename Graph1,
         typename Graph2,
         typename CorresponenceMap1To2>
inline bool verify_vf2_subgraph_iso(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2, 
                                    const CorresponenceMap1To2 f)

// Verifies a graph (sub)graph isomorphism map 
template<typename Graph1,
         typename Graph2,
         typename CorresponenceMap1To2,
         typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
         typename VertexEquivalencePredicate>
inline bool verify_vf2_subgraph_iso(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2, 
                                    const CorresponenceMap1To2 f,
                                    EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp, 
                                    VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp) 

This function can be used to verify a (sub)graph isomorphism mapping f. The parameters are analogous to function vf2_subgraph_iso (vf2_graph_iso).


Spatial and time complexity are given in [2]. The spatial complexity of VF2 is of order O(V), where V is the (maximum) number of vertices of the two graphs. Time complexity is O(V2) in the best case and O(V!·V) in the worst case.


Example 1

In the example below, a small graph graph1 and a larger graph graph2 are defined. Here small and large refers to the number of vertices of the graphs. vf2_subgraph_iso computes all the subgraph isomorphism mappings between the two graphs and outputs them via callback.

typedef adjacency_list<setS, vecS, bidirectionalS> graph_type;

// Build graph1
int num_vertices1 = 8; graph_type graph1(num_vertices1);
add_edge(0, 6, graph1); add_edge(0, 7, graph1);
add_edge(1, 5, graph1); add_edge(1, 7, graph1);
add_edge(2, 4, graph1); add_edge(2, 5, graph1); add_edge(2, 6, graph1);
add_edge(3, 4, graph1);

// Build graph2
int num_vertices2 = 9; graph_type graph2(num_vertices2);
add_edge(0, 6, graph2); add_edge(0, 8, graph2);
add_edge(1, 5, graph2); add_edge(1, 7, graph2);
add_edge(2, 4, graph2); add_edge(2, 7, graph2); add_edge(2, 8, graph2);
add_edge(3, 4, graph2); add_edge(3, 5, graph2); add_edge(3, 6, graph2);

// Create callback to print mappings
vf2_print_callback<graph_type, graph_type> callback(graph1, graph2);

// Print out all subgraph isomorphism mappings between graph1 and graph2.
// Vertices and edges are assumed to be always equivalent.
vf2_subgraph_iso(graph1, graph2, callback);

The complete example can be found under examples/vf2_sub_graph_iso_example.cpp.

Example 2

In this example, the subgraph isomorphism mappings between multi-graphs are computed. The vertices and edges of the multi-graphs are distinguished using property maps.

// Define edge and vertex properties
typedef property<edge_name_t, char> edge_property;
typedef property<vertex_name_t, char, property<vertex_index_t, int> > vertex_property;

// Using a vecS graphs => the index maps are implicit.
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS, vertex_property, edge_property> graph_type;

// Create graph1
graph_type graph1;
// Add vertices... 
add_vertex(vertex_property('a'), graph1);
//... and edges 
add_edge(0, 1, edge_property('b'), graph1); 
add_edge(0, 1, edge_property('b'), graph1); 

// Create graph2 
graph_type graph2;
add_vertex(vertex_property('a'), graph2);
add_edge(0, 1, edge_property('a'), graph2); 

To distinguish vertices and edges with property maps, binary predicates are created using the make_property_map_equivalent function:

// Create the vertex binary predicate
typedef property_map<graph_type, vertex_name_t>::type vertex_name_map_t;
typedef property_map_equivalent<vertex_name_map_t, vertex_name_map_t> vertex_comp_t;
vertex_comp_t vertex_comp =
  make_property_map_equivalent(get(vertex_name, graph1), get(vertex_name, graph2));

// Create the vertex binary predicate
typedef property_map<graph_type, edge_name_t>::type edge_name_map_t;
typedef property_map_equivalent<edge_name_map_t, edge_name_map_t> edge_comp_t;
edge_comp_t edge_comp =
  make_property_map_equivalent(get(edge_name, graph1), get(edge_name, graph2));

Finally, a callback function object is created and the subgraph isomorphism mappings are computed:

// Create callback
vf2_print_callback<graph_type, graph_type> callback(graph1, graph2);

// Print out all subgraph isomorphism mappings between graph1 and graph2.
// Function vertex_order_by_mult is used to compute the order of 
// vertices of graph1. This is the order in which the vertices are examined
// during the matching process.
vf2_subgraph_iso(graph1, graph2, callback, vertex_order_by_mult(graph1),

For the complete example, see examples/vf2_sub_graph_iso_multi_example.cpp.


If the EdgeList allows for parallel edges, e.g. vecS, the algorithm does some bookkeeping of already identified edges. Matched edges are temporarily stored using std::set as container, requiring that edge_descriptor are LessThan Comparable. In contrast, if instead you enforce the absence of parallel edges, e.g. by using setS, the lookup function falls back to edge() without performing any bookkeeping.


L. P. Cordella, P. Foggia, C. Sansone, and M. Vento.
An improved algorithm for matching large graphs.
In: 3rd IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, pp. 149-159, Cuen, 2001.

L. P. Cordella, P. Foggia, C. Sansone, and M. Vento.
A (Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1367-1372, 2004.


Copyright © 2012, Flavio De Lorenzi (fdlorenzi@gmail.com)
Copyright © 2013, Jakob Lykke Andersen, University of Southern Denmark (jlandersen@imada.sdu.dk)