C++ Boost


template <typename Graph, typename Visitor, typename VertexIndexMap>
void hawick_circuits(Graph const& graph, Visitor visitor, VertexIndexMap const& vim = get(vertex_index, graph));

template <typename Graph, typename Visitor, typename VertexIndexMap>
void hawick_unique_circuits(Graph const& graph, Visitor visitor, VertexIndexMap const& vim = get(vertex_index, graph));

Enumerate all the elementary circuits in a directed multigraph. Specifically, self-loops and redundant circuits caused by parallel edges are enumerated too. hawick_unique_circuits may be used if redundant circuits caused by parallel edges are not desired.

The algorithm is described in detail in http://www.massey.ac.nz/~kahawick/cstn/013/cstn-013.pdf.

Where defined

#include <boost/graph/hawick_circuits.hpp>


IN: Graph const& graph

The graph on which the algorithm is to be performed. It must be a model of the VertexListGraph and AdjacencyGraph concepts.

IN: Visitor visitor

The visitor that will be notified on each circuit found by the algorithm. The visitor.cycle(circuit, graph) expression must be valid, with circuit being a const-reference to a random access sequence of vertex_descriptors.

For example, if a circuit u -> v -> w -> u exists in the graph, the visitor will be called with a sequence consisting of (u, v, w).

IN: VertexIndexMap const& vim = get(vertex_index, graph)

A model of the ReadablePropertyMap concept mapping each vertex_descriptor to an integer in the range [0, num_vertices(graph)). It defaults to using the vertex index map provided by the graph.